Monday, December 28, 2009

Bike Wreck

For your viewing enjoyment, a couple of nasty bike crashes.

**Warning - Some colorful language is used in the next clip.

Winter Training - Last Week
Monday - 30 Min Treadmill 1 Point
Tuesday - 1 Hr. Bike Trainer - 1 Point
Wednesday - 1 Hr. Bike Trainer - 1 Point
Thursday - Core work / weights - 0 Point
Saturday - 2 hour Mt. Bike Ride - 2 Points

Total for week - 5 Points

Here is Coach Dan's point system.

The points start over every week. Each day is worth up to a max of 3 points Only 6 days a week count for points (you have to take at least one day a week off) Points are earned doing only aerobic activities as follows: (weight lifting is cool, but no points for it)

1 point for each:
1 hour of outdoor cycling
1 hour of hiking, snowshoeing, or backcountry skiing
45 minutes of indoor cycling (trainer or spin class)
45 minutes of cross country skiiing
30 minutes of running
30 minutes of swimming

At the end of the week if you scored at least 1 point over 4 consecutive days, total points for the week are multiplied by 1.25 (25% bonus). If at least 1 point was earned over all 6 days, total weekly points are multiplied by 1.5 (50%) bonus. No fractions of points. So if you ride for 90 minutes, you get 1 point. You have to complete the 2nd hour to get the second point. With that said, riding 3 hours every day gives you 18 points, plus the bonus puts the total max points for a week at 27.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

Yikes, that would ruin a good weekend. Nice points, who many for laying around and eating game hens?