Thursday, February 25, 2010

Science Projects

There were two similar projects at my son's 4th grade science fair.

My son's project tested how would a plants would do being fed salt water, sugar water, and water. In summary, the salt water killed the plants overnight, and the sugar water plants slowly died.

A girl in my son's class did a similar experience except she tested water, diet coke, and sprite. Her results varied from my son's - The sprite and normal water plants died. The only ones that lived were the diet coke plants.

Draw your own conclusions.


kajohnson said...

WAHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! It is the secret fountain of youth!

melanie said...

Isn't it crazy that plants can deal with dirty water with literally poop, bacteria, fungi, and other wild stuff in it, but it can't deal with sugar water, salt water or other stuff that we drink all the time. Pretty amazing. Sounds like a good experiment.