Saturday, July 10, 2010

Three Forks Loop

Another sweet ride on a new trail. The Smith Bros. (not really brothers, but they could be since they coordinate their jerseys) took me on the three forks loop in Spanish Fork Canyon.

At the top of cottonwood, we were pounded by rain. It rained enough that we couldn't ride the center trail as we wanted--We had to stick to the paved road for a bit. It was still an awesome ride.

Short video shot w/ my iphone. No helmet cam today.

Thanks for the ride SouthCountyCiclista, and Shammytime. Time for a nap--these guys like riding early.


South County Ciclista said...

Crazy skills turning a bunch of pics into a video. Like the video of us both flying by. Lets do it again soon. In fact next weekend in Payson. Fish will be there.

Aaron said...

I could listen to that song all day. So good.