Wednesday, September 15, 2010

LOTOJA wrap up

This will be brief.

This year, LOTOJA was intended to be a race for me, but by the time I reached the first climb, my legs told me that this would be a ride rather than a race. I suffered through the ride.

The Good
Weather was perfect. My parents were an awesome support crew. No mechanical problems with the bike. I finished with my best time. Drafting behind Shaun Bradley for a bit.

The Bad
Rumble strips coming out of nowhere. 35F from Logan to Preston. I didn't make my goal of a sub 10 ride. Limping across the finish line beaten down and wasted.

Time to move on. Lunch rides, night rides, and cross races. I'm ready to ride with friends for fun.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

Ummm, that sounds fun??? But still impressive non the less. Sounds like it's wise to have more than 6 days for recovery between ultra-distance races? I'll keep that in mind.

Way to go bro.